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Laura Loy

July ArtLife

June was… a lot. A great big wonderful lot, but I’m definitely looking forward to the break that will be July. My installation Millennial Turns 30 went up at PortFringe (Portland, ME). It was a whirlwind, and I was surprised and delighted by the response it got from audiences and reviewers (3 Critics Choice Awards!). My biggest fear going into the event was that it wouldn’t be ‘personal’ enough, which essentially means I worried I wasn’t actually making art. However, the reactions to the pieces thankfully proved me wrong and also proved that my audience was the best- people engaged in a beautifully vulnerable and thoughtful, and deep way. If you weren’t there, let me fill you in: everyone had post-its color-coded to their generation and could post responses to prompts throughout the installation. It was amazing to see how the framework I put forth inspired participants, and how the installation grew throughout the day. I’m now working on an online album to showcase the artworks and the audience responses. Additionally, I’m currently searching for more venues to put up Millennial Turns 30- if you know of a great spot, tell me!

(Okay, still about June, but I feel like this is important to mention: Millennial Turns 30 was a great personal and artistic success and also a fiscal failure. I couldn’t pull the audience I needed to break even, let alone pay myself for the many, many hours I spent creating it. Luckily, I received a number of generous donations that softened the blow, but making new art and bringing it cross country is an expensive proposition. Probably preaching to the choir here, but it sucks to lose money because your vocation is to be a spreader of truth, something I couldn’t do as effectively if I had a ‘regular’ job that offered more financial security. Just a little perspective behind the rosy successes.)

This month I’m doing some artist in residence stuff at Autumn Pride Farm (NH), and also spending time being a farm hand. It is very satisfying work, and gives my mind some time to wander and daydream. And bonus, I get to spend quality time with my family. I’ll also take a little jaunt to Savannah, and be practicing my German (more info on that soon!). The end of the month, I’ll be back in PDX to rescue my garden and do a few callbacks for 2019/20 seasons.

While I’m on the East Coast I’m also teaching a workshop for Stranger than Fiction Improv and Comedy, come on out if you’re in Seacoast NH- we’re doing a deep dive into play, which will obviously be tons of fun! My other arty goal for the month is to take a dip back into a second draft of my book on first time fringe producing.

I have never gotten it out of my head that summer is for fun, rest, and being outside, so I’m really leaning into that this July. I’m hoping to come out of this month refreshed and ready for the rest of the year.

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