I arrived here from my tour in NYC on Sunday and dove right into work on The Paranormal Pair. 2/3 of my company ‘Box of Clowns’ (Me & Jeff) are performing in this new show at PortFringe theatre festival in Portland, ME. Things to be done this week: memorize my lines!, make the props, set up our online advertising. This festival starts in one week, so there’s no wiggle room on any of it.
Also, my second show ‘The Trial of Typhoid Mary’ opens July 6. My creative partner in this show, Liz Faiella, is here in New Hampshire, so we can finally rehearse together! Things to be done this week: finish script, rehearse with Liz
Yes, this is a crazy plan- 2 brand new shows opening, 2 weeks apart from each other. I’m putting off the greater part of my farm work until after my shows open.